Vol 66 No 5 | CHADFRANCE French troops bid a hasty adieu 7th March 2025 The departure ends an era amid mounting challenges to President Mahamat with a deepening social crisis and overspill from Sudan’s war On 31 January, a quiet ceremony took place at the Sergeant Adji Kossei air base in Ndjamena to mark the complete departure of all French troops from Chad,...
Vol 66 No 5 | CHADSUDANUNITED ARAB EMIRATES Mahamat’s UAE ties could unravel 7th March 2025 As General Burhan and the SAF gain ground, President Mahamat and his allies will face growing pressure at home and in Darfur All eyes are on Sudan, especially now that the military dynamics are shifting in eastern and central areas in favour of Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) commander General Abdel...
Vol 66 No 2 | CHADAFRICA IN 2025 Kaka beset on all sides 23rd January 2025 Having struck out on his own, the President looks ill-equipped to meet the domestic political and foreign security challenges and faces major risks Two momentous decisions at the end of 2024 govern prospects for the regime in the year to come: the expulsion of France’s military and President Mahamat Déby Itno...
Vol 66 No 1 | CHADFRANCE Dropping France, Mahamat Kaka tilts to Turkey and the UAE 31st December 2024 Ndjamena’s strategic switch helps Abu Dhabi more than Russia for now Taking Paris by surprise on 20 December, the Chadian government ordered French troops to leave the country by the end of January, marking a final rupture after some...
DISPATCHES Vol 65 No 25 | CHADFRANCE After Macron’s minister leaves, Déby cancels military accord 4th December 2024 France’s exit from the Sahel region speeds up as N’djamena ends its defence cooperation agreement with Paris Chad’s decision to end its military cooperation deal with France is another major blow to France which had been actively courting President Mahamat Idriss Déby aka ‘Kaka’ to... READ FOR FREE
Vol 65 No 22 | CHADUNITED ARAB EMIRATES From Abu Dhabi with Dirham 31st October 2024 UAE leader Mohamed bin Zayed will want political and other favours in return for his hefty investment in Mahamat Kaka After meeting France’s President Emmanuel Macron at the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in Villers-Cotterêts on 4-5 October, Chad’s President Mahamat Déby Itno ‘Kaka’ rushed to Abu...
Vol 65 No 21 | CHADSUDAN Mahamat Kaka’s Darfur policy starts blowing back 15th October 2024 The Zaghawa are turning against the President’s arms shipment deals with the UAE and backing for Hemeti’s RSF militia Two raging urban battles – in Khartoum and El Fasher in North Darfur – could determine the next stage in Sudan’s devastating war: the de facto partition of...
DISPATCHES Vol 65 No 20 | CHAD Floods worsen humanitarian crisis as west eyes deals on troop returns 24th September 2024 The UN has called for funding to tackle climate change, as France and US court the central African state to be a partner in tackling Islamic terrorism Several months of severe flooding in Chad have intensified the humanitarian crisis facing the central African country, which finds itself struggling to cope with a refugee crisis and... READ FOR FREE
Vol 65 No 12 | CHAD Foregone electoral conclusion cements Kaka's grip 4th June 2024 A new autocracy takes root after a dubious poll with only subtle changes to the rulership style of the last 30 years visible in the President's picks for the new cabinet The electoral commission outdid itself in producing the results of the 6 May presidential election in record time. Having set a deadline of 21 May the Agence nationale...
DISPATCHES Vol 65 No 11 | CHAD Succès goes to court 14th May 2024 The opposition leader says he has filed an appeal with the country's Constitutional Council to challenge the preliminary results of the presidential election The 6 May presidential poll was supposed to have been about creating a 'democratic veneer'. Instead, it is set to go to the country's Constitutional Court. READ FOR FREE