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South Africa

Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma (Msholozi)

Date of Birth: 12 April 1942
Place of Birth: Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal Province

Displaying 181-190 out of 727 results.

Two steps forward…

Cyril Ramaphosa's election as president of the African National Congress in December and anticipation that he will take Jacob Zuma's place as state president within the next few months have caused renewed optimism about South Africa...


Big change, no fanfare

His approach to Jacob Zuma who is expected to stay on as national president for several more weeks is typical of the Ramaphosa method: always polite but clear...

From Zuma to Ramaphosa 9 December 2015: Jacob Zuma replaces respected Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene with unknown Des van Rooyen...

Cyril presses his advantage

The centre of gravity in the governing African National Congress has shifted towards its new President Cyril Ramaphosa who now has a decisive tactical advantage over the national President Jacob Zuma...

Sipho Pityana the former senior ANC official businessman and founder of the protest movement Save South Africa recently likened the party to a 'rotten cake' (AC Vol 58 No 4 The state of Jacob Zuma's presidency)...

Pushing Zuma to the exit

The next test for Cyril Ramaphosa elected president of the African National Congress on 18 December is to engineer the departure of his predecessor Jacob Zuma from the national presidency before the opening of Parliament on 8 February...

Ramaphosa's team of rivals Even if his efforts to drive Jacob Zuma from the national presidency are successful the African National Congress's new leader Cyril Ramaphosa will have to consult widely and make big compromises to form a new government...

A fight to the photo-finish

The conference may end up like the ANC's recent Eastern Cape provincial elective conference where delegates supporting the competing factions came to blows or like the disputed KwaZulu-Natal ANC provincial conference where allies of President Jacob Zuma were accused of artificially bumping up pro-Zuma branch delegate numbers and excluding pro-Ramaphosa branches (AC Vol 58 No 24 The countdown begins)...


Courtship and crackdowns

The king sat down in Abidjan with South African President Jacob Zuma in a move interpreted by Rabat as beginning to wean away one of the Polisario Front's and Algeria's most robust long-term supporters...

The countdown begins

In November President Jacob Zuma hosted a dinner for all seven ANC presidential hopefuls at an occasion dubbed 'the Last Supper'...

The race gets uglier

An ANC strongman and former miner who is charged with holding the party together Mantashe faces a plot by leaders of the Dlamini-Zuma camp under her ex-husband President Jacob Zuma to weaken or oust him by appointing a partisan 'task group' to determine his future...

SACP on the ballot

SACP leaders think Ramaphosa commands widespread support among ANC members but fear he could still be denied the ANC Presidency through delegate manipulation vote-buying and membership inflation by supporters of President Jacob Zuma who is agitating to secure the succession for his ex-wife Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (AC Vol 58 No 13 Factional fireworks threaten party)...

Displaying 181-190 out of 727 results.