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Dr Simbarashe Herbert Stanley Makoni (Simba)

Date of Birth: 22 March 1950
Place of Birth: Mutare

Displaying 51-60 out of 69 results.

Gideon rising

Like Simba Makoni another technocrat politician Gono would be vulnerable if he falls out with Mugabe...

Gunning for Mnangagwa

Also on the ZANU-PF probe panel are Mujuru former Finance Minister Simba Makoni and Governor for Matebeleland North Obert Mpofu...

Marching to Masvingo

All this argues for Mnangagwa to allow Sekeramayi to slug it out for the vice-presidency with another contender such as former Finance Minister Simba Makoni...

Who's next?

The visiting Presidents' transitional proposal is said to have involved a presidential election in two years' time at which John Nkomo would stand; if he won former Finance Minister Simba Makoni would succeed him as executive prime minister...

Coming out of the closet

and non-retired kingmaker Solomon Mujuru has been promoting sacked Finance Minister Simba Makoni for the succession...

After the phoney war

Finance Minister Simba Makoni and the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Leonard Tsumba last month recommended a formal devaluation but Mugabe's cabinet rejected the idea...

Hungry for change

Instead Finance Minister Simba Makoni has introduced a price support system for tobacco farmers which will push up the budget deficit ­ now at about 18 per cent of gross domestic product ­ to more than 20 per cent...

On the knife-edge

Last year Pretoria's Trade Minister Alec Erwin worked on a recovery programme with Zimbabwe's Finance Minister Simba Makoni and Agriculture Minister Joseph Made...

The killing of Cain

The budget of Finance Minister Simba Makoni on 1 November was based on unrealistic projections of revenue with a rocketing deficit and price controls...

Hanging in there

) for inputs this year promising handouts of seeds pesticides fertilisers and tools but there is no provision for this in Finance Minister Simba Makoni's plans and the budget deficit is already well over 10 per cent of gross domestic product...

Displaying 51-60 out of 69 results.