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Welshman Ncube

Date of Birth: 7 July 1961

Displaying 41-50 out of 82 results.

Zisco deal still kicking

The ministry responsible for oversight is headed by Movement for Democratic Change leader Welshman Ncube who would probably have blocked any hoped-for kickbacks going to the usual culprits...

What’s mine is mine

This may be because the responsible minister Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube has been preoccupied with prising leadership of a Movement for Democratic Change faction away from Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara...

Rust never sleeps

Visiting Britain in December Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube said that ‘we are very flexible in our application of the law as we did in the case of Essar and ZISCO steel...

Doing the Charamba

Yet officials in the International Trade Ministry – Minister Welshman Ncube is trying to oust Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara as leader of the MDC-M splinter party – had seemed to believe it was acceptable...


He also took a swipe at Welshman Ncube's ambition to displace Deputy Premier Arthur Mutambara as MDC-M leader...

Restless spirits

The independent Standard speculates that at the party's elective congress in early 2011 Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara will face a stiff challenge from Welshman Ncube International Trade Minister and an Ndebele...

Reluctantly to the election

Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube would face a tough choice: does he keep the faith or revert to Tsvangirai or ally himself with Dabengwa Simba Makoni or even ZANU-PF...

The next revolution

He bypassed cabinet and the Prime Minister’s legislative committee ignoring the complaints of both Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Industry Minister Welshman Ncube...

Three men in a boat

Arthur Mutambara’s most important ally is still Welshman Ncube MDC-M Secretary General and Industry Minister; Mutambara’s deputy Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga remains important as does David Coltart who runs the biggest ministry – Education Sports and Culture...

Coalition chaos

In MDC-M senior officials Gibson Sibanda and Welshman Ncube are criticising Mutambara's leadership skills...

Displaying 41-50 out of 82 results.