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Ali Mohamed

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.

The new frontlines

Relations between President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Premier Ali Mohamed Gedi (close to Ethiopia) are uneasy...

Terror in Mogadishu

Neither he nor Premier Ali Mohamed Gedi is keen on the Alliance with its dissident ministers...

Bad marriage vows

Water Resources: Kamal Ali Mohamed NCP; years in post...

Diverted flight

Firstly enough members for a parliamentary quorum may arrive in Mogadishu so that the Speaker can call a quick vote of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi appointed by President Abdullahi...

MPs therefore rejected Ali Mohamed's first cabinet in December then accepted his second slightly modified offer in January...

The clans line up

He got Ali Mohamed Gedi (Hawiye/Abgal/Harti/Warsengeli)...

Ali Mohamed Gedi's Warsengeli had the advantage of being united and showed their military muscle by inflicting heavy losses on supporters of Muse Sudi Yalahow (Hawiye/Abgal/Wabudhan/Daud) in May 2004 in Mogadishu...

In 1992-93 Ali Mohamed Gedi a vet with some other educated Abgal had unsuccessfully challenged the leadership of Ali Mahdi Mohamed (Hawiye/Abgal/Harti/Agonyare) who seemed to be losing the fight against General Mohamed Farah 'Aydeed'...

Ali Mohamed then joined a consortium of Somali non-governmental organisations which produced several useless reports on Middle Shabelle region north of Mogadishu then he worked for Italian NGOs...

Besides Ali Mohamed Gedi and Hussein Aydeed it includes: Fishery and Marine Resources: Gen...

Storm warning

Kikwete's running mate will be Vice-President Ali Mohamed Shein...

Diplomatic hubbub

Among Somalis the credibility of President Abdullahi Yusuf was badly damaged in November when parliament refused to confirm Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi's first cabinet...

Troubled isles

The other contenders Vice-President Ali Mohamed Shein from Zanzibar was picked from nowhere by Mkapa in July 2001 after the death of his predecessor...

Multi-party, single party

National Vice-President Ali Mohamed Shein plucked from obscurity in July 2001 after his predecessor Omar Ali Juma died is not a serious candidate...

And the arms flow on

In the past two months two ministers Ali Mohamed Aralle (Hawadle) and Energy Minister Said Warsame Abukor (Isaq) have resigned...

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.