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Abdel Wahid Mohamed al-Nur

Date of Birth: 1968

Displaying 1-7 out of 7 results.

Burhan’s forces falter as Hemeti takes more ground

Some of the civilians go to the area controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-Nur) faction of Abdel Wahid al Nur in Tawila while others try to get closer to the Chad border despite the danger from armed thugs assaulting civilians and looting livestock and property...

Preparing for an all-out fight in El Fasher

Other groups are joining the likely fray such as Youssif Karjakola a senior military commander and chief of staff of the SLA-Abdel Wahid al Nur who arrived on 26 November in El Fasher to protect IDP camps...


Washington seals the deal

Refusal to signThe European Union the United Nations Qatar Egypt and the African Union were all guarantors of the peace agreement but – beyond the problems with the TPC – it has also suffered from the refusal by two important rebel groups to sign up to it: the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North led by Abdel Aziz el Hilu and based in the Nuba mountains; and the Sudan Liberation Army in the Jebel Marra in Darfur and headed by Abdel Wahid al Nur (see Box The players at the Juba peace talks)...

Sudan Liberation Army: SLA leader Abdel Wahid al Nur based in Darfur's Jebel Marra continues to be known as 'Dr No' for his refusal to take part in the peace talks despite being encouraged by France...

Realpolitik, with plenty of guns

Abdel Wahid al Nur eponymous leader of the SLM-AW who has lived in Paris for years says he will negotiate only when Khartoum has a civilian government (AC Vol 59 No 12 Offensives and reshuffles)...

Offensives and reshuffles

Despite recent clashes between government forces and fighters of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLM-AW) the UN and AU describe security in Darfur as 'relatively stable'...

Displaying 1-7 out of 7 results.