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Malik Agar

Place of Birth: Ingessana Hills, Blue Nile State, Sudan

Displaying 31-37 out of 37 results.

How the South moves north

SPLM-N leader and Blue Nile State Governor Malik Agar Eyre this week protested against an NCP law aimed at stifling the ‘popular consultations’ due in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan under 2005’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement...

The deals, the votes and the fraud

The SPLM angrily refused and veteran and popular former SPL Army commander Malik Agar Eyre an SPLM Deputy Secretary General won...

Bad marriage vows

Investment: Malik Agar Ayar SPLM; popular Blue Nile commander...

Lightning strike

According to SPLA area commander Malik Agar Khartoum threw in 23 battalions (of circa 600 exclusively regular troops each) only to see 11 destroyed 16 senior officers killed and two working T-55 tanks captured in the final battle outside Ulu...

Business front

The local Sudan People's Liberation Army commander Malik Agar claims that a Chinese-run mine his troops overran last dry season is now yielding gold worth US$100 000 a year...

Talk in New York, war in the Horn

Now the SPLA (commanded by Malik Agar himself a Blue Niler from the Ingessana Hills) is again threatening Kurmuk and Ethiopia is not about to help the Sudan army...

Displaying 31-37 out of 37 results.