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Celso Ismael Correia

Date of Birth: 18 July 1978
Place of Birth: Maputo

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.

The Quionga network

Guebuza had effectively forced him to sell his shares and hand over the chairmanship to his then new protégé Celso Correia...

Scramble for Nacala

Chipande was CDN Chairman before Vale won control in what was seen as a commercial coup by President Armando Guebuza's right-hand man Celso Correia...

Partial win for Guebuza

Celso Correia hitherto known only as Guebuza’s main ally in his business affairs won election to the CC (AC Vol 52 No 18) as did Guebuza’s executive daughter Valentina Guebuza...

The Putin option

He was muscled aside in business dealings by Guebuza’s bag man Celso Correia (AC Vol 52 No 18 Taking a stake in economic development & Celso Correia favourite son) and under presidential pressure was forced out of his long involvement in the Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Corredor de Nacala...

Energy bonanza promises real financial independence

This ranges from reserving a role for CFM to key shareholdings in infrastructure companies such as Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte (CDN Northern Development Corridor) 51% of which is owned by holding company Insitec which is linked to President Armando Guebuza (AC Vol 52 No 18 Taking a stake in economic development & Celso Correia favourite son)...

Celso Correia, favourite son

At the age of 30 Celso Correia became the head of Mozambique’s second largest bank the Banco Comercial e de Investimentos (BCI) and of the strategic northern transport corridor the Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte (CDN)...

Coal train blues

Yet Insitec’s Managing Director Celso Correia referred to as a ‘30-year-old pipsqueak’ in the US cable is a known protégé of Guebuza...

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.