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General Berhanu Julu

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.

Abiy keeps Addis on side but alienates the nation

He was also Abiy's patron during his army recruitment in Jimma in the 1980s At the federal level: Birhanu Jula military Chief of Staff Getachew Gudina four-star general in charge of military intelligence and his deputy Major General Demis Amenu...

Abiy spells out expansionist plans

In a recent briefing chief of staff Birhanu Jula said foreign powers are supporting Fano presumably referring to Eritrea (AC Vol 62 No 16 Addis tries to rewrite the script)...

Tentative steps towards peace

The modalities agreed in Nairobi between the Chief of the General Staff of Ethiopia's National Defence Forces Field Marshal Berhanu Jula and Lt Gen Tadesse Wereda the Tigrayan commander linked Tigray Defence Force (TDF) disarmament of heavy weapons with the concurrent 'withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF forces from the region'...

Addis Ababa and Tigray sign an uneasy truce

Field Marshal Berhanu Jula Ethiopia's Chief of Staff met Eritrean Chief of Staff Major General Filipos Woldeyohannes early in October in the Ethiopian border town of Humera to plan the latest fighting the advance on Shire and Adwa in northern Tigray...


Abiy juggles the truce with force

The Chief of Staff General Berhanu Jula became the country's first-ever field marshal and was awarded the highest award for valour the Black Lion Hero Medal along with three other senior generals...

Addis tries to rewrite the script

Abiy Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Birhanu Jula Gelalcha and State Minister of Foreign Affairs Redwan Hussein said that most of the recruits for the TDF had been pressured into joining by ethnically charged propaganda...

Abiy Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Birhanu Jula Gelalcha and State Minister of Foreign Affairs Redwan Hussein said that most of the recruits for the TDF had been pressured into joining by ethnically charged propaganda...

At a senior officers' meeting at the ENDF headquarters in Addis Ababa presided over by Lt Gen Birhanu Jula he tried to present the retreat as a strategic ceasefire...

Citadel falls but the war goes on

The recall of troops from Somalia the call on Eritrean armed forces for help in the field and the bringing back into service of retired generals and the promotion of a long-time Abiy supporter General Berhanu Jula an Oromo from deputy to Chief of Staff were taken as signs that operations had not gone as well as expected...


Fears mount of all-out civil war

He has named the Oromo Berhanu Jula head of the military and appointed his former National Security Advisor and current Amhara President Temesgen Tiruneh as his intelligence chief...

Question on Oromo peace

The Ethiopian military's chief of staff General Berhanu Julu said that a hundred fighters from the OLF had entered Western Wollega and recruited 90 more fighters before blocking roads and committing killings...

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.