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James Aggrey Bob Orengo

Date of Birth: 1951

Displaying 11-20 out of 37 results.

Raila beats rivals to a new deal

Once sure of its position close to Jubilee ODM began to distance itself from Nasa removing Wetangula as Senate minority leader on 15 March and replacing him with James Orengo a Raila loyalist...


Down the autocrat's alley

Kajwang' (a Nasa MP in Nairobi) Senator James Orengo (Nasa's top legal adviser) and Canadian/Kenyan lawyer Miguna Miguna who had a direct role in organising the event...

Unpacking Raila's resistance

That same afternoon opposition legal expert James Orengo and George Aladwa a former Mayor of Nairobi led a Nasa rally in the Nairobi slum of Kibera an Odinga stronghold and promised to swear their leader in as President unilaterally should Kenyatta be awarded another five years in office...

A commission under siege

If Nasa has suffered defections of politicians since the botched August poll its legal team and strategy remain intact based on days of analysis and conjecture by the party's legal top brass (James Orengo Otiende Amollo Mutakha Khangu Peter Onyango and Nelson Havi) with the support of Nasa strategists David Ndii and Adams Oloo...

Technology against tricksters

As part of a raft of reforms designed to strengthen the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) formalised in the Election Laws Amendment Bill Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) legislator James Orengo has demanded the use of technology at all levels of the electoral process arguing that this would confer credibility on the polls and protect the interests of the opposition...


Threats to Lamu lifeline

A week before the launch Prime Minister Raila Odinga touring Lamu with Lands Minister James Orengo (an ally in his Orange Democratic Movement) revoked all previous land titles in the port area blocking the speculators...

A dangerous compromise

Odinga's key allies Lands Minister James Orengo and the party Secretary General Professor Peter Anyang' Nyong'o have put a brave face on it but Ruto's defection to the PNU side determined the direction of the talks...

Who (if anybody) will try the killers?

Public support has come from Olago Aluoch (Kisumu West ODM); Martha Karua (Gichugu President Mwai Kibaki's Party of National Unity); Mithika Linturi (Kenya African National Union Chairman of the Public Investment Committee); Otieno Kajwang (ODM Immigration Minister); James Orengo (ODM Lands Minister); and Peter Anyang' Nyong'o (ODM Medical Services Minister)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 37 results.