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Kaïs Saïed

Date of Birth: 22 February 1958
Place of Birth: Tunis

Displaying 51-60 out of 69 results.


President Saïed takes his new constitution campaign online

Ahead of a referendum on a new constitution in July new voting laws and parliamentary elections in December President Kaïs Saïed has launched an online two-month consultation process after governing by decree since last July (AC Vol 62 No 17 Playing the waiting game)...


Rough seas for despot and demos

President Kaïs Saïed's power-grab in July and his determination to change the Tunisian political system have brought neither peace nor prosperity but instead have caused division and extreme social and economic precarity (AC Vol 62 No 22 Saïed channels Mussolini)...

Has the sun set on the Brothers?

In Tunisia a decade of economic failure exacerbated by political stasis allowed the academic President Kaïs Saïed to turn autocrat outflanking Ennahda in the latest phase of Tunisia's unfinished transition from Ben Ali...

Saïed channels Mussolini

Ennahda's inability to bring on new leaders led to internal discord well before some 113 senior members resigned as President Kaïs Saïed made his power grab on 25 September...

The opposition stays on hold

So far President Kaïs Saïed who has suspended the constitution indefinitely is winning but scepticism about his plans is growing...

A win for the Makhzen

The PJD's working and lower-middle class urban support had been crumbling a process also seen in Tunisia where the base of another Islamist party Ennahda has diminished to the extent President Kaïs Saïed could suspend parliament and govern by decree (AC Vol 62 No 17 Playing the waiting game)...

Playing the waiting game

Stunned by President Kaïs Saïed's decision to suspend parliament and govern by decree the major political parties led by the moderate Islamist party Ennahda are left playing the waiting game...

But its officials believe that the surge in public support for Saïed will quickly burn out as the constraints on governing by decree begin to bite (AC Dispatches 24/08/21 President Kaïs Saïed extends his suspension of parliament as he confronts Islamist opposition)...

Displaying 51-60 out of 69 results.