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Kaïs Saïed

Date of Birth: 22 February 1958
Place of Birth: Tunis

Displaying 31-40 out of 69 results.

Low turn-out saps Saïed

Pressure on President Kaïs Saïed to step down is mounting after a series of political reverses and stark evidence of his diminishing popularity the most recent of which was the abstention of 89% of the electorate in the second round of the parliamentary elections on 29 January (AC Vol 63 No 25 Apathy to greet polling day)...

Could a cold war turn hot?

In Tunisia President Kaïs Saïed is ruling alone but has a new deal with the IMF for a reform-orientated economic policy...

A new-look leader when elected in 2019 Kaïs Saïed is undoubtedly distanced from traditional Islamist and 'secular' political parties...

Government by chequebook

Relations between the GNU and Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed have been strained at times but the Tunisian economy is in dire straits and Dubaiba promised to pay US$250m owed to Tunisia for healthcare and other debts...

Apathy to greet polling day

Tunisia's powerful trade union federation has launched its biggest public attack on President Kaïs Saïed's political and economic programme publicly rejecting the polls planned for 17 December...

Unions and oppositionists warn of a social explosion

As police clashed with protestors in Tunis over the weekend of 15-16 October the IMF announced that it had reached provisional agreement with President Kaïs Saïed's government for a lending programme of US$1...

President Kaïs Saïed's response has been met with derision and disgust as supermarkets rationed key government-subsidised products...

The middle class heads north

This trend also reflects the pessimism in the country since President Kaïs Saïed's decision to govern by decree last July (AC Vol 62 No 16 Saïed lashes out)...

Displaying 31-40 out of 69 results.