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Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki

Date of Birth: 15 November 1931
Place of Birth: Gatuyaini Village, Othaya, Nyeri district, Central Province
Died: 21 April 2022

Displaying 251-260 out of 317 results.

Githongo picks up the glove

President Mwai Kibaki is studiously neutral: he hasn't sacked Murungaru (a fellow Nyeri Kikuyu) or said a word in his defence...

Dancing partners

The bizarre pas de deux between President Mwai Kibaki and cabinet dissident Raila Odinga raises doubts as to whether the President can win the national referendum on the new constitution in November...

Freedom unfledged

Those present included Uganda's President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki and from Egypt Amr Moussa representing the Arab League...

Making up

After months of chaos and corruption charges events are finally moving President Mwai Kibaki's way (AC Vol 46 Nos 10 and 13)...

More ships ahoy!

A week after being left off the Group of Eight finance ministers' list of African states eligible for debt relief on 11 June President Mwai Kibaki's government has unblocked payments for a 4...

Biwott is back again

President Mwai Kibaki's National Rainbow Coalition was elected in January 2003 on a straightforward anti-corruption platform (AC Vol 46 Nos 3 & 4)...

Milton stays lost

In Kenya it took President Daniel arap Moi's opponents a decade and two elections before they joined forces and produced President Mwai Kibaki's National Rainbow Coalition (Narc)...

Waterborne corruption

Pressure mounts on President Mwai Kibaki to act against corruption after his anti-graft czar John Githongo resigned on 7 February...

Rebellion under the rainbow

President Mwai Kibaki faces a new schism in the ranks of the unstable National Rainbow Coalition (Narc) over his ultimatum that all its parties must hold elections by 31 March or face de-registration...

The new flagbearers

Fresh from his 31 January victory over Nicholas Kipyator Biwott for the chair of the Kenya African National Union Uhuru Kenyatta will be President Mwai Kibaki's main adversary as leader of the official opposition...

Displaying 251-260 out of 317 results.