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Thomas Boni Yayi

Date of Birth: 1 January 1952
Place of Birth: Tchaourou

Displaying 31-35 out of 35 results.

Annivesaries and elections

In Benin President Yayi Boni emerged victorious in the presidential election last March despite ex-President Mathieu Kérékou’s schemes to hold on to power...

Star-studded in Ouaga

That won approving nods from the heads of state in attendance: Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaoré; Liberia's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; Rwanda's Paul Kagame; Mozambique's Armando Guebuza; Benin's Yayi Boni...

Twilight of the chameleon

The result on 19 March accepted by all was the election at the second round of Yayi Boni with nearly 75 per cent of the vote to 25 per cent for Adrien Houngbedji (AC Vol 47 No 1)...

Oil and oligarchs

If elections happen the probable winner would be another northerner Yayi Boni President of the Francophone Banque Ouest-Afrcaine de Développement (BOAD) rather than the most prominent southern contender Adrien Houngbedji defeated candidate in the last two presidential elections in 1996 and 2001...

Displaying 31-35 out of 35 results.