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Patrice Guillaume Athanase Talon

Date of Birth: 1 May 1958
Place of Birth: Ouidah

Displaying 1-10 out of 26 results.

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

Ordinary Nigériens have been subjected to a doubling in the price of imported rice because of the junta's decision to keep the border with Benin closed because of its row with President Patrice Talon obliging traders to take the longer less secure route from Lomé in Togo and then through Burkina...

Talon flirts with a third term

Facing the challenges of succession or a high-risk bid for a third term President Patrice Talon has been buffeted by the junta-versus-civilian-regime rivalries playing out in West Africa...

TALON MULLS THE THIRD-TERM ROUTE President Patrice Talon seems in two minds over whether to bid for a third term in 2026 despite previously promising not to...

Clipping the President's talons

There was speculation that the party might even have secured an overall majority at the expense of the l'Union progressiste pour le renouveau (UPR) and Bloc républicain (BR) which support President Patrice Talon...

Oppositionists prise open parliamentary politics

The country's constitutional system is starting to work again despite President Patrice Talon's authoritarian instincts...

Since 2019 the parliament has been dominated by supporters of President Patrice Talon and opposition candidates have been outlawed by a highly selective interpretation of electoral law...

THE TALON-KAGAME AXIS GOES MILITARY With his centralised Chief Executive Officer top-down rule and crackdown on dissidents President Patrice Talon has modelled some economic and political policies on those pursued by his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame...

Cancelling the opposition

Tried last week by the national corruption and terrorism court – in cases neutral observers regard as trumped up – these two emblematic opposition figures had sought to stand against the incumbent Patrice Talon in last April's presidential election...

Displaying 1-10 out of 26 results.