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Perence Shiri

Date of Birth: 11 January 1955
Place of Birth: Gweru
Died: 29 July 2020

Displaying 21-30 out of 49 results.

'Too many enemies'

Air Marshal Perence Shiri one of the main organisers of the 'Gukuruhundi' killings in Matebeleland in the early 1980s has plenty of enemies (AC Vol 50 No 21)...

Greed, gold and grit

Air Marshal Perence Shiri who commanded the notorious Fifth Brigade during the Matebeleland massacres thirty years ago is the regime's military supremo for Manicaland where there is a strong military presence as the army secures its interests in the Marange diamond fields...

Shiri salutes, sort of

The state and independent media gave full coverage to the fact that Air Marshal Perence Shiri and Lieutenant General Philip Sibanda gave ostentatious full salutes to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and although other service chiefs managed to stick to their guns by saluting only Mugabe it was done in a manner that was inoffensive...

A mixture, not a coalition

They include: Commissioner General Zimbabwe Republic Police Augustine Chihuri; Zimbabwe National Army Lieutenant General Phillip Sibanda; Air Force of Zimbabwe Air Marshal Perence Shiri; Zimbabwe Defence Forces Gen...

Keep an eye on Mnangagwa

Air Force chief Perence Shiri a relative of Mugabe's has always been close to Mnangagwa who was boss of the Central Intelligence Organisation while Shiri commanded the Five Brigade when it massacred thousands of civilians in Matebeleland and the Midlands in the 1980s...

The khaki election

In an ultimate irony Mugabe’s government recreated the Rhodesian regime’s Joint Operations Command (JOC) combining the Defence Ministry the Zimbabwe Republic Police the Central Intelligence Organisation and the National War Veterans’ Association Today the JOC comprises ZDF Commander General Constantine Chiwenga Air Force Commander Air Marshal Perence Shiri Police Commissioner Gen...

Fighting democracy – Mugabe's last stand

Tsvangirai has promised that he would allow Mugabe to retire from politics quietly but he and his supporters are ambiguous about others such as Mnangagwa Air Force Commander Perence Shiri and Army Commander Constantine Chiwenga...

The ugly endgame

Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) Commander General Constantine Chiwenga Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshal Perence Shiri and the Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri had publicly pledged allegiance to Mugabe as the sole leader of Zimbabwe insisting they (and by implication the entire armed forces and security services) would not take orders from either of the opposition candidates in the presidential elections Morgan Tsvangirai or Simba Makoni should either be announced a winner of the presidential elections...

Death of a general

Mleya and Lifa may also have been poisoned like Air Vice-Marshal Elson Moyo who had clashed with the Air Force Commander Perence Shiri last year...

Displaying 21-30 out of 49 results.