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Côte d'Ivoire

Simone Ehivet Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 20 June 1949
Place of Birth: Moossou, Grand-Bassam

Displaying 21-30 out of 33 results.

The financial sanctions tighten

There have been attempts to circumvent the sanctions on cocoa trading but the sales and registrations are computerised and when five large cocoa companies led by Saf-Cacao which is thought to be linked to presidential wife Simone Gbagbo tried to register for exports Alassane Dramane Ouattara was alerted and he threatened to have the companies put on the European Union sanctions list (AC Vol 52 No 3)...

Propaganda war

If Ivorians believe any of that they might believe what Simone Gbagbo told a rally of the faithful in Abidjan on 15 January: ‘The movement to liberate the whole of Africa is being born today in Côte d’Ivoire...

And then, there were two

Simone Gbagbo was held up there by unarmed militiamen complaining they hadn’t received their demobilisation cash...

The contenders

Simone Ehivet Gbagbo (57) a gendarme's daughter is a historian and her quarrelsome reputation has earned her the name 'Warrior'...

Forever delayed

His formidable first wife - and First Lady - Simone Gbagbo is fighting for his re-election...

Three's a crowd

He recently married a second wife Nadiana Bamba a former journalist and northern Muslim; his first wife is Simone Ehivet an evangelical Christian...

It's not over yet

Gbagbo’s Front Populaire Ivorien (FPI) and the hardline loyalist Congrès National de la Résistance pour la Démocratie (CNRD) run by the first lady Simone Gbagbo say they would not accept elections if the rebels do not disarm...

Toxic trials

Journalists from Abidjan's Le Jour Plus were fined CFA15 million (US$29 000) for reporting that first lady Simone Gbagbo was behind Tommy's creation and licensing...

Private coups

It's run by Captain Anselme Séka Yapo (alias 'Séka Séka') who provides close protection for presidential wife Simone Gbagbo...

Le Patriote claims that using the cover-name Charles Kader Goré Simone Gbagbo bought Omeifra for 680 million CFA francs (about 1 mn...

On 18 July Gbagbo's communications consultant Alain Toussaint said Simone Gbagbo had nothing to do with security firms including Omeifra and BGSP and condemned 'ignominious campaigns' against her...

Cocoa wars

The methods by which the presidency channelled cocoa money to finance the war and keep itself afloat were under investigation by Kieffer who disappeared in April on his way to a meeting with Michel Legré brother-in-law of First Lady Simone Gbagbo...

On 18 August loyalist youths blockaded a French army convoy at Bonoua Simone Gbagbo's home town...

Displaying 21-30 out of 33 results.