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Beatriz Buchili

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.

Insiders dissect secret audit

Senior officials and donors are still pondering the still secret audit which consultants Kroll Associates delivered to Attorney-General Beatriz Buchili on 12 May after three extensions of the deadline...

A meandering audit trail

Attorney General Beatriz Buchili had given Kroll a second one-month extension to complete its investigations...

No offence, honestly

' Amnesty is mobilising signatures for a petition address to the Mozambican Justice Minister Abduremane Lino de Almeida and to Attorney-General Beatriz Buchili urging them to drop the charges against Castel-Branco and Mbanze...

Crime still pays

Surprisingly strong criticism has been poured on the annual report of Attorney General Beatriz Buchili even by the state news agency Agência de Informação de Moçambique...

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.