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General Salim Saleh

Date of Birth: 14 January 1960

Displaying 61-70 out of 72 results.

Friends fall out

Since then instead of blaming the row on Ugandan commanders such as Kazini and defence supremo (and businessman and Museveni's half-brother) Salim Saleh Rwandan ministers now accuse Museveni himself of sabotaging the war effort...

Asking the people

Salim Saleh was involved in a mismanaged helicopter procurement from Belarus...

Militias and market forces

General Salim Saleh half-brother of President Yoweri Museveni; Saleh owns 45 per cent of Saracen Uganda and 25 per cent of Branch Energy’s local operation...

Cousins call

The article claimed that Salim Saleh the UPDF’s most respected general (and brother to President Yoweri Museveni) headed a corrupt clique that had brokered mining deals and that Kazini had launched drunken attacks against the APR in front of leaders of the rebel Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD)...

The row is officially over; Rwanda called a recent visit by Salim Saleh to Kigali ‘a mission of atonement’...

Kabila's banker

Diplomatic sources say shareholders in Comiex include: Major General Salim Saleh brother of Uganda's President Museveni; two senior ministers in government and a Rwandan company...

The border war

In 1996 he stepped up operations putting his admired half-brother Major General Salim Saleh in charge and recalling to service thousands of veterans who had been demobilised in a World Bank-backed restructuring exercise...

Museveni's backyard

Salim Saleh with the title of Special Presidential Advisor on the North...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

If Zaïre stabilises Uganda will capitalise on the upswing in reciprocal trade; Museveni's half-brother and army commander Major General Salim Saleh is already understood to have a gold mining company in Kisangani...

Tough Tinyefuza

Salim Saleh Brigadier Gen...

Uganda's most prestigious – and officially retired – officer Salim Saleh (Museveni's half-brother) was appointed six months ago to help sort out the war in the north against the HSM's successor Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army...

The government's purchase of weapons from South Africa has not so far helped it to end the rebellion; nor has the military reorganisation promised by Salim Saleh last July...

Four-wheel drive

Salim Saleh (AC Vol 37 No 17) as saying in mid-August that he couldn't see a way out and was praying for the month to end...

Displaying 61-70 out of 72 results.