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Abebe Aemro Selassie

Displaying 11-20 out of 21 results.

A slow road to recovery

Africa's heterogeneous economies face greater challenges in securing sufficient financing as they manage their increased debts generating sufficient tax revenues and boosting spending on critical needs – a 'trilemma' says IMF Africa department director Abebe Selassie...

7% contraction Africa department director Abebe Selassie has commended its government for pursuing economic reforms in a Covid-disrupted environment not foreseen when the IMF approved Angola's extended fund facility (EFF) in 2018...

    Vol 62 No 18 |
  • CHAD

Hey, big lender

In a 7 September statement Abebe Aemro Selassie the head of the IMF's African Department issued a statement saying that 'Chad's debt is unsustainable' and worsening due to factors including Covid-19 terrorist attacks and falling oil prices...

Forecasts fail to lift the gloom

IMF African department director Abebe Aemro Selassie now projects that sub-Saharan economies are unlikely to vaccinate a sufficient share of their populations before 2023...

Two days that changed nothing

Abebe Aemro Selassie Director of the IMF's African Department said 'We look forward to the presentation of the government's home-grown economic strategy and will be assessing in the coming weeks how the IMF could support the authorities' reform efforts through a possible Fund programme...

Pandemics stunt your growth

Africa's numerous security crises likewise represent another downside risk including the wave of #EndSARS anti-police brutality protests in Nigeria which IMF Africa department director Abebe Selassie concedes might lead to a revision of Nigeria's already disappointing outlook...

3bn (over $16bn in SSA) with – according to the IMF's Africa department director Abebe Selassie – more such financing potentially to come...

Doubts over post-slump bounce

So far there are few signs that African policymakers will use the crisis to make major structural reforms or as IMF Africa Department director Abebe Selassie now suggests 'rethink their development models' to focus on production and jobs...

Up against the slowdown

The differentiated nature of Africa's growth according to IMF Africa department director Abebe Selassie means that non-resource economies growing – at around 6% – almost three times faster than the resource economies' average implies that several economies could register much faster improvements in living standards should this growth be persistent and be accompanied by strong job creation...

Struggling to keep pace

That works out at less than one percentage point in per-capita terms at a time when the IMF's African Department director Abebe Selassie has warned that hoped-for future per-capita growth of approximately 1...

Displaying 11-20 out of 21 results.