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Anne Mumbi Waiguru

Displaying 11-20 out of 24 results.

Bridge of sighs

This has been taken up most vocally by his close advisor and supporter Anne Waiguru Governor of Kirinyaga...


Spending on the hoof

Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru who worked at the Treasury under Kenyatta from 2013 to 2017 is frequently mentioned (AC Vol 57 No 23 Empty words on graft)...

Populists hack at the budget

Again Ruto topped the survey with 33% followed by the Governor of Kirinyaga Anne Mumbi Waiguru with 31%...

Full of sound and fury…

) in 2015 under then Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Planning Anne Mumbi Waiguru now Governor of Kirinyaga has so far led to not a single successful prosecution (AC Vol 57 No 23 Empty words on graft)...

Murder most foul

In an egregious case a former Planning and Devolution Minister Anne Mumbi Waiguru has been named repeatedly in the corruption scandal involving 791 million Kenya shillings (US$7...


Pressure-cooker polls

stolen from the National Youth Service and they may implicate top officials notably former Planning Minister Anne Mumbi Waiguru (AC Vol 56 No 23 The figures don't add up)...

Nairobi flaunts its credentials

) at the National Youth Service under the stewardship of the disgraced Devolution and Planning Minister Anne Mumbi Waiguru who was once a presidential favourite (AC Vol 56 No 23 The figures don't add up)...

Empty words on graft

' Yet one case where Ruto has broken ranks concerns the ongoing inquiry into former Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru and the disappearance of KSh...

'What happened in NYS led by Anne Waiguru we admit it happened and investigations were launched...

ICC down but not out

Two investigations are dragging on: an inquiry into corruption claims against the former Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Devolution and Planning Anne Waiguru and a judicial commission examining accusations of bribery against Supreme Court Justice Philip Kiptoo Tunoi (AC Vol 57 No 10 Counties at the crossroads)...

Counties at the crossroads

) scandal surrounding the National Youth Service which forced the resignation of Uhuru ally Anne Waiguru as Devolution Minister last November has not resulted in any prosecutions (AC Vol 56 No 23 The figures don't add up)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 24 results.