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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 451-460 out of 481 results.

Mwai's muddle

That left party Chairman Uhuru Kenyatta a Kikuyu like Kibaki powerless to mend bridges...

Smashing the fruit bowl

Kenya loyalists concede that Kibaki needs allies; they would prefer the formerly ruling Kenya African National Union led by Uhuru Kenyatta (a Kikuyu) to the Liberal Democratic Party under the detested Odinga (a Luo)...

He and his rebel LDP faction teamed up with KANU's Chairperson and Secretary General Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto to form the Orange movement which campaigned across the country with colourful road shows that drew huge crowds...

Oranges up, bananas down

William Ruto: The KANU Secretary General's campaigning overshadows his Chairman Uhuru Kenyatta...

Uhuru Kenyatta: The dismal 'No' performance in his Central Province would have marked him out as a loser but his loyalty to Orange earned him new respect in KANU and beyond...

A proxy election

The soul of the Orange group is the rump of Moi's Kenya African National Union party including its articulate secretary William Ruto Moi's son Gideon Uhuru Kenyatta (KANU's presidential candidate in 2002) Moi's lawyer Mutula Kilonzo and Musalia Mudavadi (KANU's Vice-President in 2002)...

Banana-skin vote

His successor as KANU leader Uhuru Kenyatta will work hard among the Kikuyu of Central and Nairobi provinces where more than a million new electors have been registered this year...

At a big rally in Machakos on 7 September the No lobby Odinga Balala Anyang' Nyong'o Musyoka and Uhuru Kenyatta promised a political 'tsunami' which would sweep across the country and engulf those 'on the other side' who had refused to negotiate the new constitution...

Dancing partners

NAK teamed up with Ford-Kenya and Ford-People; the official opposition leader Uhuru Kenyatta of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) voted with the LDP; Kenyatta's KANU rival Nicholas Kipyator Biwott backed Kibaki...

Uhuru Kenyatta has been unable to bring Biwott whom he defeated in this year's leadership elections on side...

Making up

Two factions are struggling for control of the party one led by its Chairman Uhuru Kenyatta the other by its Secretary General William Ruto who has tried to rally the influential Kalenjin bloc to his side...

Yesterday's men Since January when he triumphed over bitter opposition from Biwott Uhuru Kenyatta has consolidated his grip on KANU showing that he is his own man not just Moi's puppet...

Rebellion under the rainbow

Uhuru Kenyatta's landslide victory against 'Total Man' Nicholas Kipyator Biwott in the 31 January election for the chair of the formerly ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) has unsettled Kibaki's plans to broaden his own powerbase ahead of the 2007 elections...

Instead Uhuru Kenyatta will be running KANU as a genuine alternative to Kibaki and Narc...

The new flagbearers

Fresh from his 31 January victory over Nicholas Kipyator Biwott for the chair of the Kenya African National Union Uhuru Kenyatta will be President Mwai Kibaki's main adversary as leader of the official opposition...

Uhuru Kenyatta's association with former President Daniel arap Moi could cut both ways...

Formerly a close follower of Moi Musyoka made a U-turn to join Odinga and the LDP to oppose Moi's imposition of Uhuru Kenyatta as the KANU flagbearer in 2002...

Fading Rainbow

The combined power of Ford-Kenya and the LDP could attract smaller groups in Narc as well as KANU (headed for the moment by Uhuru Kenyatta now energetically socialising again) and Ford-People (led by Nyachae)...

Displaying 451-460 out of 481 results.