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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 441-450 out of 481 results.

Odinga and the Oranges

The ODM is an alliance of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP led by Odinga and Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka) the former ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU led by its 2002 flagbearer Uhuru Kenyatta) and the smaller Labour Party...

The new frontlines

The other main opposition figures are Raila Odinga (Luo 14%) Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta (Kikuyu 5%) and William Ruto (Kalenjin 3%)...

Knocking out the lion's teeth

The crowd in Nairobi's City Stadium whooped when the founding President's son Uhuru Kenyatta walked onto the dais and welcomed Joseph Nyagah the latest defector from President Kibaki's National Alliance Rainbow Coalition-Kenya (NARC-Kenya) party...

THE PRESIDENTIAL RUNNERS NAME PARTY SUPPORT BASE CHANCES Mwai Kibaki NARC-Kenya Central Province (Nyeri and environs national alliances through party network) Favourite helped by incumbency Kalonzo Musyoka ODM Ukambani Eastern Province Second favourite liked across Kenya but criticised as lightweight Raila Odinga ODM Luo Nyanza the most loyal but not biggest base Joint third favourite criticised for autocratic style Uhuru Kenyatta KANU Central Province and youth vote Joint third favourite came second in 2002 Musalia Mudavadi ODM Maragoli Western Province Strong compromise candidate William Ruto ODM Kalenjin Rift Valley Province Powerful vote-getter lacks national support Najib Balala ODM Coast Province and Muslim vote Popular but untried in senior jobs Julia Ojiambo ODM Samia Western Province and women Too junior in hierarchy Nicholas Biwott KANU Kalenjin Rift Valley Province Too unpopular to make a serious run ...

Comeback couples

Former President Daniel arap Moi's endorsement of Nicholas Kipyator Biwott on 25 November as Chairman of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) instead of Uhuru Kenyatta was designed to scupper hopes for a broad-based opposition against President Mwai Kibaki's government...

A political resurrection

NARC-Kenya grew from the ashes of Kibaki's defeat in the November 2005 referendum by the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) which brings together KANU under Uhuru Kenyatta and the LDP under Raila Odinga...

Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-President Daniel arap Moi campaigned for KANU's David Manyara who came in last; Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka set aside their differences to support the LDP's Michael Brawan who came a creditable second...

NARC-Kenya speakers recalled the government-sponsored ethnic killings of local Kikuyus during the Moi years; this made Uhuru Kenyatta (Kikuyu) look clueless alongside Moi...

In the hole

Others are his close associates such as Defence Minister Njenga Karume as well as Kenyatta's widow the fabulously wealthy Mama Ngina mother of opposition leader Uhuru Kenyatta...

The hawks are circling

This recording made on 20 May 2004 has been played to the Chairman of Kenya's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Uhuru Kenyatta who is also leader of the main opposition party the Kenya African National Union...

Going down with the ship

Opposition kingpins Raila Odinga William Ruto Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo Musyoka - nominally united under the banner of the Orange Democratic Movement - are demanding the immediate recall of parliament and a vote of no confidence in the government...

Displaying 441-450 out of 481 results.