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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 431-440 out of 481 results.

The spurned advisor at State House

Other names in contention for the key advisory role at State House are George Muhoho the Kenya Airports Authority’s Managing Director and Uhuru Kenyatta’s maternal uncle and Mutahi Kagwe the former Minister for Information and Communications and son-in-law of John Michuki...

Leading horses to water

JETRO officials presented the report's findings to Kenya's Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta in early September...

The Beijing development plan

Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister Uhuru Kenyatta has been calling for increased Chinese investment for the past couple of months...

Closer and closer

Both ex-President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi and Uhuru Kenyatta KANU's Chairman and former leader of the official opposition endorse Kibaki and campaign for him...

From the Muthaiga Club to the hustings

The PNU Council is supposed to serve as the focal point for politicians backing Kibaki's bid and is made up of cabinet ministers Kenya African National Union Chairman Uhuru Kenyatta Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-People leader and Roads Minister Simeon Nyachae and representatives of other parties backing Kibaki...

The opposition advantage

The ODM claims that Uhuru Kenyatta (Kikuyu) supports Kibaki (Kikuyu) to consolidate the gains before his own run for the presidency in 2012...

Politicians overboard

Odinga had already suffered a blow a few weeks earlier when defeated presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta marched the formerly ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) out of the ODM...

KANU leader Uhuru Kenyatta walked out of the ODM last month having failed to win assurances from Odinga that the ODM would declare itself a coalition rather than an actual party or that Odinga's Liberal Democratic Party would share key executive positions with KANU and the Labour Party...

If it worked this would bring KANU into government for the first time in five years while exposing Uhuru Kenyatta as a weak and indecisive leader the opposite of his father...

Campaign confusion

The ODM's most prominent representative in Kikuyu country Kibaki's home turf is his fellow Kikuyu Uhuru Kenyatta...

We hear that former President Daniel arap Moi is putting his KANU together as a third force which while it could not itself win could pick up disaffected politicians from either side to bargain for power-sharing with whichever coalition seems likely to win with Uhuru Kenyatta Mudavadi and Musyoka at the helm...

No-party politics rule

Presidential hopefuls due to attend were: Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka (Kamba); Uhuru Kenyatta (Kikuyu); William Ruto (Kalenjin/Nandi); Najib Balala (Coast member of parliament for Mvita in Mombasa); Julia Ojiambo (Luhya/Samia); and Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (ex-President Daniel arap Moi's last Vice-President)...

On 17 March the Odinga family organised and publicised the traditional betrothal of its son Fidel Castro Odinga to Veronica Wanjiru Ng'ang'a a distant member of a leading Kikuyu family the Kenyattas; Uhuru Kenyatta was prominent at the ceremony...

The evening we hear was taken up with discussions of a new alliance of Raila (as presidential candidate) and the southern Kikuyu led by Uhuru Kenyatta - which would outflank Kibaki in his Kikuyu bailiwick and lock out Kalonzo Musyoka...

The LDP then made its alliance of convenience with KANU and Uhuru Kenyatta...

Uhuru Kenyatta the leader of the parliamentary opposition has lost his ethnic base to Kibaki and says privately that he is willing to run in second place to Raila...

Displaying 431-440 out of 481 results.