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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 411-420 out of 481 results.

Leaving the door open

The Nation a Nairobi daily reports that Uhuru Kenyatta William Ruto Franklin Bett Mutula Kilonzo John Muchiki and George Saitoti two Chief Whips George Thuo and Jakoyo Midiwo and the head of the civil service Francis Muthaura have been barred from visiting the USA...

The row over Aaron Ringera

As pressure mounted on the Judge to resign pro-Kibaki ministers publicly vowed that the appointment would be maintained and his ally Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta quietly juggled with a bill whose rejection would starve the Commission of resources...

There is talk of an imminent Kalenjin-Kikuyu alliance brokered by Uhuru Kenyatta (regarded by many as Kibaki's preferred successor as Kikuyu leader) and the Kalenjin leader Agriculture Minister William Ruto...

Bondo welcomes Kibaki

Within Kibaki's PNU Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta's growing closeness to Agriculture Minister William Ruto the putative Kalenjin leader and an old pal from the Kenya African National Union gives him a slight edge in the race to succeed Kibaki...


Kenya: Good news for some Three main groups should do well out of Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta's maiden budget: Kenya's 210 elected members of parliament and its millionaires and commercial bankers...

Good news for some

Three main groups should do well out of Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta's maiden budget: Kenya's 210 elected members of parliament and its millionaires and commercial bankers...

Uhuru's accounting crisis

A political and economic storm battered Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta before his maiden budget speech on 11 June as the effects of last year’s political crisis feed into falling production and jobs – and the government gets its figures wrong...

Who is in charge here?

Parliament also needed to adopt a supplementary budget proposed by Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta requesting more than 20 billion Kenya shillings (US$254 million) to plug a hole in the coffers until the next budget in June...

A reform deadline for the rivals

The 'untouchables' alliance - not represented in Geneva - groups Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta (marshalling a substantial Kikuyu constituency) and Agriculture Minister William Ruto (making a strong pitch for the leadership of the Kalenjin in the Rift Valley that saw some of the worst of the political violence last year)...

Displaying 411-420 out of 481 results.