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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 381-390 out of 481 results.

Kibaki loses his peers

Michuki last year endorsed the suspended Finance Minister and International Criminal Court (ICC) suspect Uhuru Kenyatta as heir to the leadership in Kikuyuland...

The Group of Seven is a multi-ethnic grouping around Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalenjin supremo and fellow ICC indictee William Ruto in their bid to avert an Odinga presidency...

The Hague changes the game

President Mwai Kibaki ignored calls from civil society groups for the resignations of two ICC indictees: the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta 50 and the head of the civil service Francis Kirimi Muthaura 65...

A vote on unfinished business

Suspected of crimes against humanity in 2007/08 are the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta aged 50 and the would-be Kalenjin leader William arap Ruto 45...

    Vol 5 (AAC) No 8 |

Kuniko Ozaki

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta former head of civil service Francis Muthaura legislator William Ruto and Kass FM broadcaster Joshua arap Sang stand accused of orchestrating the violence that followed Kenya’s 2007 elections...

Uhuru looks back in anger

The Prosecutor directly implicated Uhuru Kenyatta eldest son of Kenya’s founding President Jomo Kenyatta and a would-be successor to Kibaki...

Prison politics

Kenyan politicians such as Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and former Agriculture Minister William Ruto – both charged by the ICC with crimes against humanity – will be closely watching Bemba’s case...

Succession not reform

In a straight contest with Uhuru Kenyatta his main challenger Raila Odinga would take 52% of the vote to Uhuru Kenyatta’s 43%...

She was Kibaki’s most intrepid lieutenant during the 2007 election dispute but when her old boss passed her over to anoint Uhuru Kenyatta as his putative successor she went back to opposition politics and has decided to make her own bid for the presidency...

Six in the dock

The suspects received their summonses in March: Henry Kosgey Joshua arap Sang Uhuru Kenyatta Francis Muthaura Mohammed Hussein Ali and William Ruto...

Through the Wikihole

Larry Andre talked of Uhuru Kenyatta’s charm saying he was ‘among the most perceptive and enlightened Kenyan politicians’...

Benedict said his sources told him: ‘Cabinet Ministers William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta are directing a campaign of intimidation against potential witnesses...

Displaying 381-390 out of 481 results.