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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 341-350 out of 481 results.

Carter’s quiet doubts

Eight-and-a-half months after Kenya's Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission declared Uhuru Kenyatta winner of the March 2013 presidential poll a key electoral observer the Carter Centre has released a critical report (AC Vol 54 No 14 Devolution blues)...

Media Bill signals fear of scrutiny

After the mass media claimed that security forces were responsible for looting and burning sections of the Westgate Shopping Mall during the recent terrorist attack President Uhuru Kenyatta and his lieutenants are intent on cracking down on dissent...

Kenyatta mulls nuclear option

The chances of President Uhuru Kenyatta appearing in the Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court are decreasing by the day...


Shockwaves after the shoot-out

In the wake of the murderous attack at Westgate Shopping Mall President Uhuru Kenyatta faces tough questions about the probity and efficacy of his government...


Taylor goes down alone

Two serving African Presidents Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta and Sudan's Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and one former President Côte d'Ivoire's Laurent Gbagbo have been charged with crimes against humanity at the ICC...

Cracks widen in the PDP

His host President Uhuru Kenyatta faces trial this year at the International Criminal Court as a political row erupts about the country severing its membership in the ICC...

Secret suit aims at ICC evidence

In perhaps the strongest signal that President Uhuru Kenyatta's defence team is now preparing for a full-blown trial at The Hague in November his lead International Criminal Court counsel Stephen Kay QC last week began actions in the High Court in Nairobi...

The crucial M-Pesa and call logs

An anonymous blogger from the high-tech communications sector in Kenya has stepped in with highly credible-looking information on the latest court action in the International Criminal Court case against President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy Vice-President William Ruto...

It goes on to say that a Safaricom source claimed that the logs were obtained from both mobile phone companies in the presence of lawyers from Uhuru Kenyatta's defence team the ICC and the Attorney General's office...

Wobbling and nobbling

Official statements from Ruto and fellow-indictee President Uhuru Kenyatta said it was no setback that the trial of Ruto and co-defendant Joshua arap Sang would be in the Netherlands...

Displaying 341-350 out of 481 results.