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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 121-130 out of 481 results.

Raila beats Ruto as the oligarchs' favourite

Of the two frontrunners Raila Odinga benefitted hugely in his Kibra stronghold a constituency in Nairobi county when President Uhuru Kenyatta endorsed him late last month...

With the GEMA communities seemingly undecided a 'Limuru III' conference a follow-on from the 2012 conference in the town of Limuru northwest of Nairobi that endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta as the community's leader is set for later this year...

Other Mount Kenya Foundation directors include: Pius Ngugi the Chika-based coffee baron; George Muhoho the former Rome-based priest and Uhuru Kenyatta's uncle; former parastatal executive Titus Ibui who is Peter Munga's deputy at the Foundation; and Stanley Kinyanjui owner of outdoor advertising firm Magnate Ventures...

Show us the money

These include Congo-Brazzaville's Denis Sassou-Nguesso Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta and Gabon's Ali Ben Bongo...

Raila takes to the pulpit

Odinga and the other 'handshake' principal President Uhuru Kenyatta said that they would respect the court's ruling that the BBI was unconstitutional but there will be new days in court...

First steps on the elections roadmap

Despite a presidential decree explicitly forbidding him from undertaking any international initiatives Roble then reconciled Mogadishu with Nairobi and even signed a military pact with President Uhuru Kenyatta...

The bridge collapses

The judges ruled by 5 to 2 that President Uhuru Kenyatta acted unconstitutionally and cannot initiate constitutional change via a referendum because he does not fall under the category of the 'general public' (AC Vol 62 No 11 Picking up the pieces)...


Nasa heads for crash landing

Nasa has existed in name only since Raila Odinga was co-opted into President Uhuru Kenyatta's government via the 'handshake' deal in 2018 in which he abandoned the allies that had supported his unsuccessful presidential campaigns in 2012 and 2018 (AC Vol 59 No 6 Raila beats rivals to a new deal)...



Ambitious Ruto parks his tanks on Kenyatta's lawn

Deputy President William Ruto notched up another success in his bid to win next August's presidential election after his personal political vehicle the United Democratic Alliance won a parliamentary by–election in President Uhuru Kenyatta's back yard...

Although Ruto has not formally left the Jubilee party that he founded with President Uhuru Kenyatta a formal split appears to be only a matter of time although Ruto aides following his meeting with Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni last week indicated that they have not given up on Kenyatta endorsing Ruto (AC Dispatches 13/07/21 Deputy President Ruto courts Museveni's support)...


Displaying 121-130 out of 481 results.