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Hassan Ali Khaire

Place of Birth: Galguduud, Somalia

Displaying 21-24 out of 24 results.

Buried in the wreckage

The Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire put his prestige on the line over petty issues while ministers' egos continually clash in public...

…A harsher one in Mogadishu

The Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire turns out to be Hawiye/Murosade while many had believed the Premier would be from one of the two leading Hawiye clans Abgal or Habr Gidir...

New populist hires old faces

Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire's plate is more than usually full...

Premier Hassan Ali Khaire has dual nationality and worked in Norway for many years...

• Ministerial appointees from Hassan Ali Khaire's circle also include Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed (Sheikhal/Gandershe) once a minister in South-West State and Commerce Minister in the previous national government...

Shock pick for PM

Newly elected President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo''s nomination on 23 February of Norwegian-Somali Hassan Ali Khaire as Prime Minister caused widespread surprise in Mogadishu (AC Vol 58 No 4 MPs reject foreigners' choice)...

Displaying 21-24 out of 24 results.