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South Africa

Lindiwe Daphney Zulu

Date of Birth: 21 April 1958
Place of Birth: Nhlazatshe, Mpumalanga, South Africa

Displaying 21-30 out of 31 results.

Electoral roll on, roll off

The SADC facilitation team led by South Africa’s Lindiwe Zulu has indicated that the electoral road map needs to be updated now that the new constitution is in place...

Purges and placements

Zuma’s ally Lindiwe Zulu has replaced former Communications Minister Pallo Jordan on the ANC Communications Committee...

Mugabe breaks with the region

He is furious at South Africa’s continued pressure on him over power-sharing in government particularly the work of Ambassador Lindiwe Zulu...

Zuma's front-line diplomats

Lindiwe Zulu Presidential Foreign Policy Advisor: an activist in the ANC Women’s League and ex-Director of Equatorial Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands departments in the Foreign Ministry...

Regional leaders take on the President

The most problematic issues for Mugabe are the electoral road map and the secondment of three SADC representatives led by Zuma’s outspoken foreign policy advisor Lindiwe Zulu to assist the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (Jomic)...

Attacks cause new crisis

His Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) desperately wants the report withdrawn but attempts to counter the damage by smearing Zuma backfired as did efforts to question his appointment of Lindiwe Zulu to oversee the SADC ‘road map’...

Women in power

Some of Dlamini-Zuma's strongest supporters are now Ambassadors: Thenjiwe Mtintso to Cuba; Lindiwe Mabuza to Britain; and Lindiwe Zulu to Brazil...

Deeper and deeper

The TPVM's impressive director Lindiwe Zulu has an overstretched staff of just 20 which will need to double in size at least if it is to monitor withdrawals and demobilisation in Ituri...

Displaying 21-30 out of 31 results.