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South Africa

Bathabile Olive Dlamini

Date of Birth: 10 September 1962
Place of Birth: Nquthu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Displaying 1-10 out of 27 results.

The markets bet on Ramaphosa's grand coalition

The leading lights of the anti-GNU group in the NEC (in order of their rankings on the NEC): are Malusi Gigaba Andile Lungisa Soviet Lelgangaye Bathabile Dlamini Lindiwe Zulu Supra Mahumapelo Dakota Legoete and Faith Muthambi...

Jacob Zuma's revenge

RET sleepers in the ANC such as Tony Yengeni Lindiwe Sisulu Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Zuma's ex-wife and Bathabile Dlamini could join the new bloc after the election...

Zondo hands ANC a time-bomb

The voluminous Zondo reports which include tens of thousands of pages of evidence gathered over four years of testimony have already implicated more than 130 officials in corruption leading to scores of pending charges and court remands but few convictions other than Zuma for contempt of court and the ANC Women's League head Bathabile Dlamini for perjury...

Ill fares the ANC

Another setback for the RET faction was the charging of ANC Women's League head Bathabile Dlamini former social development minister with perjury over the evidence she gave to a court about her role in a social benefits scandal which rocked the country in 2017...

More time for the truth

They include: former Eskom and Transnet chair Brian Molefe and Eskom officials Anoj Singh and Matshela Koko; former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) chief Lucky Montana; former Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba; former Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Mosebenzi Zwane; former Minister of Social Security Bathabile Dlamini; and former Minister of Environmental Affairs Nomvula Mokonyane...

Cyril and Ace's linked fates

The NEC refusal even to discuss the issue is regarded as a victory over President Cyril Ramaphosa and his allies by Magashule's supporters in the NEC who include: Zuma former Minister of Environmental Affairs Nomvula Mokonyane former Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini former North West premier Supra Mahumapelo and former ANC Secretary General in the Western Cape Tony Yengeni...

Cyril wins a battle over graft

Others deemed unsuitable by the commission include former state security Minister Bongani Bongo who has been charged with bribery and has stepped aside as an MP; former minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson; Beauty Dlulane; Ruth Bhengu; and former State Security Minister David Mahlobo; Thabang Makwetla former Minister of Correctional Services; former Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane and former ministers Faith Muthambi and Bathabile Dlamini head of the ANC Women's League...

Displaying 1-10 out of 27 results.