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South Africa

David Mahlobo

Date of Birth: 17 January 1972
Place of Birth: KwaNdwalaza, Mpumalanga

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.

Destabilising NGOs

State Security Minister David Mahlobo claimed last week that 'some NGOs have made it their preoccupation to destabilise the government… we know from their actions they are working for [Western intelligence] agencies...

Zuma's many foes mobilise

They include the head of the Hawks police special investigation unit General Berning Mthandazo Ntlemeza the Minister of State Security David Mahlobo and the Safety and Security Minister Nathi Nhleko...

Night of the generals

The State Security Minister David Mahlobo insists that that the interception of citizens' phone calls 'is lawful and South Africa's intelligence services can only bug people when there is good reason to do so'...


A rowdy state of the nation

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa quickly scribbled a note to State Security Minister David Mahlobo who then left the chamber...

Nuclear secrets

This July though he closed down his cabinet's National Nuclear and Energy Executive Coordinating Committee under ex-Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe and set up an Energy Security Cabinet Subcommittee led by himself and including his close allies Joemat-Pettersson State Security Minister David Mahlobo Mineral Resources Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi and Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula...

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.