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Bakili Muluzi

Date of Birth: 17 March 1943

Displaying 51-60 out of 109 results.

Regional ructions

Malawian officials believed that Sata was going to help ex-President Bakili Muluzi's political comeback by organising mass rallies (AC Vol 48 No 6)...

Muluzi the Third

Ex-President Bakili Muluzi finally announced to a large rally of his United Democratic Front on 11 March that he will be its candidate for the 2009 presidential election...

Muluzi on the record

Malawian attitudes to former President Bakili Muluzi are still mixed but President Bingu wa Mutharika insists that he is still a 'good friend'...

Who said what to whom?

The latest bizarre political twist is the arrest of three senior executives of the former governing party the United Democratic Front whose chairman is ex-President Bakili Muluzi...

The President speaks

In a lengthy interview with Africa Confidential last month President Wa Mutharika insisted that the economic reforms were on track and that former President Bakili Muluzi's attempts to run the government 'by the back door' were still blocking a political deal...

The President said that he was aware of no obstacle to a friendly and constructive relationship between himself and his former patron and party boss Bakili Muluzi but as long as 'the other person' wants to rule Malawi 'through the back door' an improvement could not be expected...


Blantyre is reeling from reports of the arrest of former President Bakili Muluzi on corruption charges on 27 July...

Unhappy returns

This month ex-President Bakili Muluzi is expected to defy rumours of his own demise by returning hale and hearty from six months of medical treatment in Britain...

Bakili's bullets

The UDF party of which Vice-President Chilumpha is acting-Chairman while ex-President Bakili Muluzi is in Britain is now a clear target...

New politics at last

The UDF and its Chairman former President Bakili Muluzi are bitter because Bingu has abandoned their party and angry that he has brought some of their most talented members into the DPP...

Displaying 51-60 out of 109 results.