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François Bozizé Yangouvonda

Date of Birth: 14 October 1946

Displaying 71-80 out of 95 results.

Bemba under arrest

The ALC was fighting on the side of CAR’s then President Ange-Félix Patassé against rebels led by General François Bozizé who then took Patassé's place...

The peace deal that wasn't

The LRA might seek refuge in the CAR whose President François Bozizé is the weakest in the region...

A slow road to travel

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: The coming months will show whether political and military opponents of President François Bozizé are willing to discuss reconciliation with his government and whether the beleaguered head of state can offer substantial concessions (AC Vol 48 No 22)...

At last, a possible peace

At last there is hope of negotiation to end one of Africa's least known calamities and the multiple rebellions against President François Bozizé's regime...

Problematic peace as the Commonwealth meets

SPLA officers say they have often seen LRA fighters crossing into Central African Republic where Khartoum is accused of backing the Union des Forces Démocratiques pour le Rassemblement rebels against President François Bozizé...

On the brink

The raids in the neighbourhood of Birao in the far north were even more openly supportive of President François Bozizé than the strafing of rebel columns in Chad...

The Darfur deadline passes

Libya has just mediated a regional summit attracting Presidents Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) Omer Déby and François Bozizé (CAR) to Tripoli...

    Vol 47 No 24 |
  • CHAD

Sudan targets Chad

Were CAR's François Bozizé to be replaced by a Khartoum-friendly President Déby would worry...

Two elections, one country

Yet Bemba is also concerned that the courts in Central African Republic (CAR) have asked the International Criminal Court to investigate claimed abuses by MLC fighters during a failed intervention to stop François Bozizé's putsch against Ange-Félix Patassé...

There goes the party

The MLPC's new and old guards agree in condemning President François Bozizé who deposed Patassé in 2003 over army brutality in the party's north-western home terrain...

Displaying 71-80 out of 95 results.