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Tundu Lissu

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.

Crushing the enemies within

As in 2017 opposition party activists will continue to be harassed and detained by the authorities or offered inducements to join the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi though it is unlikely that the attempted assassination in broad daylight of Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo legislator Tundu Lissu in September will be repeated elsewhere (AC Vol 58 No 20 Magufuli on the warpath)...

Magufuli on the warpath

When 40 bullets were pumped into the car carrying Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) member of parliament Tundu Lissu outside his Dodoma home on 7 September claims of the country's descent into authoritarianism suddenly became more credible...

Hopes and fears offshore

The Chadema opposition leader in Parliament Tundu Lissu has joined Kabwe in making political capital from the energy corruption issues...

The radar scandal is back

This prompted a furious response from Tundu Lissu of the opposition Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) ‘If the government pretends to know nothing about this issue we are going to show the documents bearing evidence on the story ’ Lissu was reported as saying...


In their dossier on the evictions the Director of LEAT Tundu Lissu has compiled a list of 32 named people most of whom are said to have been buried in the mine pits...

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.