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John Arnold Bredenkamp

Date of Birth: 11 August 1940
Place of Birth: Kimberley, South Africa

Displaying 31-36 out of 36 results.

More of Mugabe

Some of ZANU-PF's business supporters are active there notably multi-millionaire and Mnangagwa-ally John Bredenkamp who is now operating a joint venture to export cobalt and copper with Congo's state-owned Gécamines in its still lucrative Groupe Central division...

Slow, slow

Strategic planner Mpoyo meets and consults with Zimbabwean businessman and Mnangagwa-ally John Bredenkamp who is leading the charge of Afrikaner investors (from Zimbabwe and South Africa) into Congo...

Generals, tontons and kidogos

A consummate commercial strategist MPoyo is determined to block any attempt by the Copperbelt Katangese to challenge the mining agreements he has made with Zimbabwean business interests such as John Bredenkamp...

Glittering prizes from the war

on the parallel market) had been leased by Al Shanfari from John Bredenkamp's Breco group of companies to transport wages to Oryx's employees mining the Senga-Senga River diamond concessions Oryx officials said...

Rhodies to the rescue

Two white businessmen Billy Rautenbach and John Arnold Bredenkamp have played a central role in procuring and transporting military supplies for Zimbabwean and Congolese troops...

Big Wheels

One business source suggests that Rautenbach might be able to find help from fellow Zimbabwean entrepreneur John Arnold Bredenkamp who is back in favour with the ZANU government having been accused of busting United Nations sanctions against Ian Smith's regime and subsequently against the SA apartheid regime...

Displaying 31-36 out of 36 results.