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Dan Gertler

Date of Birth: 23 December 1973

Displaying 51-60 out of 79 results.

Kinshasa in court

Sykes describes the fixer in the deal and President Kabila's business ally Dan Gertler as a 'colourful character...

Hush hush money

Also on Ecofin’s list for questioning by the Assembly is the Minister in charge of State Assets Jeannine Mabunda Lioko; the ex-President of the diamond company Société Minière de Bakwanga (Miba) Gustave Luabeya Tshitala; and the Managing Director of Emaxon Finance International controlled by Israeli businessman Dan Gertler who is close to President Joseph Kabila...

Aiming high

KMT was handed over to Israeli diamond magnate Dan Gertler who sold part of his stake to Kazakhstan's Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation...

Blood on the stones

A decade ago the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot claimed that Colonel Yair Klein and two fellow-countrymen Dov Katz and Dan Gertler (now well known in Congo-Kinshasa) were buying diamonds in exchange for military training and arms deliveries in Liberia and Sierra Leone in 1997...

Congo-Kinshasa's big five mines

Despite temporarily losing its license after clashing with Israeli mining speculator Dan Gertler (who enjoys a close relationship with Congolese President Joseph Kabila) CAMEC continued to slice off the top of the Mukondo Mountain which it says is the world's richest cobalt deposit...

The world's biggest metals trader Glencore is now the majority owner with Dan Gertler also taking a stake...

Seoul's safety in numbers

Forrest and other Belgian families have tussled for power and influence in Congo with the powerful Israeli diamond baron Dan Gertler and others...

Iron ore, jaw-jaw

One partner is Dan Gertler who is good friends with Congolese President Joseph Kabila...

Displaying 51-60 out of 79 results.