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Dan Gertler

Date of Birth: 23 December 1973

Displaying 31-40 out of 79 results.

An awkward tango for Gertler and Glencore

Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler and South African commodity trader Ivan Glasenberg who have done far better than their corporate rivals out of Joseph Kabila's reign in Congo-Kinshasa are rethinking their strategy...

The soul of transparency

In the same year he had brought to public attention questions about the forcible acquisition of a Congolese mine belonging to Canada's First Quantum minerals and its onward sale for an extremely low price to Israeli mining billionaire Dan Gertler (AC Vol 53 No 2 No confidence vote from companies)...

Katumbi enlists US against Kabila

It includes ANR director Kalev Mutond; Israeli billionaire investor Dan Gertler seen as close to Kabila and a gatekeeper for major deals in mining and oil; the president's MP brother Zoé Kabila and his MP sister Jaynet Désirée Kabila; Evariste Boshab Interior Minister; Lambert Mende Communications Minister; Albert Yuma Mulimbi Chairman of heavily indebted state mining company Gécamines; and the governors of Kinshasa North Kivu and South Kivu provinces...

Don't look now

The mine's previous owner Canada's First Quantum Minerals accused the Kinshasa government of illegally confiscating the assets and then selling them at a knockdown price to offshore companies linked to Dan Gertler (an Israeli businessman who is close to Congolese President Joseph Kabila)...

Gertler the farmer

After making gigantic profits by buying and reselling mining and oil concessions in Congo-Kinshasa the controversial Israeli businessman Dan Gertler has set up a farm on a philanthropic basis (AC Vol 54 No 11 Gertler's assets multiply)...

Gertler’s assets multiply

Pressure is mounting on international mining companies in Congo-Kinshasa to reveal more about their dealings with offshore companies linked to Dan Gertler International...

They are now controlled by ENRC and Glencore (see above ENRC Glencore and Dan Gertler: What their partnerships mean for Congo-Kinshasa)...

Mining companies face more scrutiny

This coincides with growing international pressure on the government to publish details of its secret deals to sell state assets to companies such as Israel’s Dan Gertler International Swiss-based Glencore and the London-listed Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation...

Kabila looks into the abyss

The disarray in Kinshasa is sending shock waves towards Kabila’s main business partners such as Israel’s Dan Gertler Swiss-based Glencore and the Eurasian National Resources Corporation who face growing international criticism of the opacity of their commercial operations in Congo...

A new battle to control the mines

Both have worked on oil deals with mining magnate Dan Gertler in Congo-Kinshasa and Khulubuse Zuma nephew of South African President Jacob Zuma...

‘We’re looking at the same people and the same model that enabled Zuma’s nephew to pick up Tullow’s oil block in the Congo and flip it to Dan Gertler – so there are big forebodings out there ’ said one mining expert who preferred to remain anonymous...

Displaying 31-40 out of 79 results.