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Daniel Toroitich arap Moi

Date of Birth: 2/09/1924
Place of Birth: Sacho, Kenya

Displaying 311-320 out of 323 results.

Worlds apart

Also set to win their national elections this year are Presidents Daniel arap Moi in Kenya and Paul Biya in Cameroon...

Hope Springs

October' s peace deal brokered by President Daniel arap Moi in Nairobi lasted barely a week...


After the World Food summit in Rome where he met fellow East African Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Benjamin Mkapa President Daniel arap Moi stopped off unexpectedly in London...

Four-wheel drive

This is the tactic he used against the short-lived regime of his predecessor the late Major General Tito Okello in 1985 when Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi invited both parties to talks in Nairobi; Museveni spun out the discussions while his National Resistance Army moved up to capture Kampala and take over the government in January 1986...

Bombs and plots

It reminded people too of President Daniel arap Moi's warning to the crowd at the Eldoret Show a week earlier foretelling a wave of ethnic violence...

The foreign fronts

Kampala-Nairobi relations are greatly improved; as the biggest economy in the region Kenya can make the revived East African Community work and Museveni needs President Daniel arap Moi's diplomatic clout in his attempts to isolate Sudan...

Buyoya perhaps

Daniel arap Moi's Kenya and Mobutu Sese Seko's Zaïre which have in various ways given succour to Burundian and Rwandan Hutu militants are respectively ambivalent and downright hostile to Buyoya...

Bullet proof

President Daniel arap Moi was born in Sacho Village in neighbouring Baringo District and his patronage of Eldoret has sparked an economic boom there...

Sisters and brothers

'KANU is out to protect women and children' declared President Daniel arap Moi at a 19 May rally at Molo...

Donors defeated

When donors meeting in Paris on 22 March decided to disburse US$730 million to Kenya it marked the end of any serious effort to get President Daniel arap Moi's government to meet their economic and political conditions first imposed in November 1992...

Displaying 311-320 out of 323 results.