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Daniel Toroitich arap Moi

Date of Birth: 2/09/1924
Place of Birth: Sacho, Kenya

Displaying 161-170 out of 323 results.

The new two

The real power probably now resides in the State House circle around Stanley Murage an accomplished holdover from the regime of President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi in which he served as a Permanent Secretary; he is now presidential 'strategy advisor'...

In the hole

The clumsy midnight attack by government agents on The Standard and KTN Television both owned by the family of former President Daniel arap Moi on 1 March looked like a desperate move by a government besieged by corruption charges (AC Vol 47 Nos 4 & 5)...

Biting the snake

The dominant shareholders of Standard Newspapers and KTN Television are the family of ex-President Daniel arap Moi...

The hawks are circling

The report refers repeatedly to Saitoti who was at the time Finance Minister under President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi...

Going down with the ship

' The corrupt networks date back far into the early days of the Daniel arap Moi government...

Voters' voices

More evidence will emerge about how the corrupt business networks under President Daniel arap Moi reasserted themselves as soon as the Kibaki government took power...

Mwai's muddle

' Within a year graft was back up to the worst level of Daniel arap Moi's regime...

Smashing the fruit bowl

There are memories of 1997 when a national alliance between ex-President Daniel arap Moi (widely accused of funding the 'No' campaign) and Raila Odinga marginalised the mainly Kikuyu politicians in Kibaki's Democratic Party despite economic mismanagement and rampant corruption...

Oranges up, bananas down

Odinga has shown he can rally the country against Kibaki as he did against Daniel arap Moi...

Displaying 161-170 out of 323 results.