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Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi

Date of Birth: 21 September 1960
Place of Birth: Sabatia, Vihiga District, Kenya

Displaying 131-140 out of 143 results.

Moi's no-shuffle

There are two Luhyas in the select group of seven not associated with KANU-A: Attorney General Amos Wako and Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi...

Reformer Musalia Mudavadi has been demoted from Agriculture to Information Transport and Communications...

Ethnic straitjackets

Moi was slow to fill the post; the leading candidates whom he kept in suspense and who all believe they are still in the running were: Education Minister Kalonzo Musyoka (Kamba 11 per cent of the population); NDP leader Raila Odinga (Luo 14 per cent); Saitoti (Kikuyu 23 per cent and Maasai 4 per cent); ex-Finance Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (Luhya 15 per cent); Nyachae (Kisii 9 per cent); Lands Minister Katana Ngala (Coast 11 per cent)...

Ministers and MPs who want to break out of Moi's ethnic straitjacket include the new KANU leader of the Coast Parliamentary Group Jembe Mwakele Musalia Mudavadi and Minister of State Marsden Madoka...

Before the storm

KANU's principal contenders for the vice-presidency are still: • Planning Minister George Saitoti (Maasai/Kikuyu) with no firm ethnic base but a protégé of Moi's favourite Biwott; • Finance Minister Simeon Nyachae strives for renewal of the International Monetary Fund's suspended structural adjustment facility and for a political coalition of his own Kisii with disenchanted Luhya and Kalenjin; • Agriculture Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (Luhya/ Maragoli) has been buoyed by his defeat as leader of government business in the House of Orengo's no-confidence motion and is attracting Maragoli enthusiasm especially in Nairobi; • Foreign Minister Bonaya Adhi Godana (Boran/Gabra) has no significant ethnic backing and his prospects have waned; • So have those of Noah Katana Ngala (Coastal/Giriama); • Marsden Madoka (Coastal/Taita) once Jomo Kenyatta's aide-de-camp and a retired army major is a Minister of State in the President's Office and KANU's new dark horse; he seems more bureaucrat than politician and his marriage to a Kikuyu may hurt him with some Kalenjin; • Moi has muddied KANU waters by rehabilitating Charles M...

Nyachae and the Fund

While Musalia Mudavadi was Finance Minister Nyachae attacked him furiously for ‘being the white man's boy' and for doing exactly what Nyachae is now doing with the IMF/World Bank staff in Nairobi...

Moi's last lap

The well liked ex-Finance Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi was demoted to Agriculture some believe for taking the IMF's anti-graft strictures too seriously...

Musalia Mudavadi; backed by his Maragoli/Luhya people but unable to attract the Bukusu Luhya who back Ford-Kenya's Wamalwa Kijana; well-regarded by donors which doesn't bring political popularity; his hard pro-Moi campaign in Western Province brought him 43 per cent of the vote...

All change at the Treasury

Simeon Nyachae' s promotion to Finance Minister and his predecessor Musalia Mudavadi's demotion to Agriculture Minister have been accompanied by a thorough-going reorganisation of senior civil servants in the Treasury...

The voting business

Presidential fiatAlready Finance Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi is battling to balance the books as bills incurred by presidential fiat begin to roll in...

A sweet tooth

One problem with the negotiations according to Washington Africa hands is that (with the exception of Finance Minister Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi and Central Bank Governor Micah Cheserem) the Nairobi government has little grasp of the new and tougher IMF stance against institutionalised corruption...

Constitutional counter

In the latest confrontation on 19 June and as part of their campaign for constitutional change opposition members of parliament disrupted Finance Minister Musalia Mudavadi's budget reading...

Fixing the finance

Within eight weeks Finance Minister Musalia Mudavadi must produce a budget...

Displaying 131-140 out of 143 results.