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United States

Donald John Trump

Date of Birth: 14 June 1946
Place of Birth: New York City

Displaying 101-110 out of 180 results.

Territorial armies

There was much relief in Rabat when National Security Advisor John Bolton left President Donald Trump's administration; the veteran hawk had been a long-time advocate of Sahrawi self-determination (AC Vol 60 No 11 Köhler leaves the hot seat)...

Life as a client state looms

Given the reassessment under President Donald Trump of the United States' global role and local volatility the future of Libya is highly uncertain (AC Vol 60 No 24 Trump talks peace)...

Pouring cold water on the mega dam

In keeping with President Donald Trump's combative policy towards President Xi Jinping's government the US State and Energy Departments have been tentatively dipping their toes into Inga III seemingly pondering if they can loosen China's grip on the project...


Peace deal wheelspin

The Donald Trump administration's newfound interest in the peace deal also puzzles America's allies since the US had largely disengaged from the peace process...

Trump talks peace

Ever since Donald Trump's arrival in the White House Washington's response to the Libyan crisis has been minimal other than missile strikes by the United States Africa Command (Africom) on Da'ish fighters and other terrorists mainly in the south...

Two-track talks on the grand dam

The meeting follows Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi's request to President Donald Trump to mediate in the dispute but Ethiopia's Foreign Ministry insists the talks cannot be called 'mediation' because Ethiopia will merely be reasserting its earlier position...


Washington’s man wades in

   Likewise on the political front there was a lengthy hiatus during which the Donald Trump administration took a back seat in international efforts to find a solution to the Libyan crisis...

Out of contract

Except that Karoui insists that he has no knowledge of the contract which promised to secure meetings with United States President Donald Trump and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin ahead of the first round of Presidential elections on 15 September in which Karoui finished second as well as 'material support for the push for the Presidency' followed by 'full support and investments from US companies for your economy' after Karoui's election...

Displaying 101-110 out of 180 results.