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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 191-200 out of 200 results.

New arrivals – north and south

New Africans New LabourA debate in the FCO focuses on what officials call the 'New Africans' - Presidents Yoweri Museveni Issayas Aferworki and Meles Zenawi - who were assiduously cultivated by ex- Overseas Development Minister and Foreign Office Minister for Africa the energetic Baroness Lynda Chalker...

Trumpeting the Horn

Ethiopia is once more a force to be reckoned with as Prime Minister Meles Zenawi emerges from the shadow of his 'elder brother' President Issayas Aferworki of Eritrea...

No peace, no war

• Premier Meles Zenawi is irritated at Kenya's role in Mogadishu seen as interference with an OAU peace process...

The Sodere spirit

Ambassadors from the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (which has dropped the word 'Drought') attended various Sodere sessions; Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin paid several visits and attended the final session: within a few days Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had offered public backing...

In the front line again

Issayas like Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is studying for his degree by correspondence...

Heave ho

Bids closed in September and Djibouti or Kuwait (Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi visited Kuwait last month) now look to be the most likely buyers – if the auction still goes ahead...

Hands across the water

For the United States Meles Zenawi's government has established itself as an important regional ally against expansionist Islamism promoted by Sudan and Iran...

The federal government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is careful to preserve an ethnic balance in the army...

Talk in New York, war in the Horn

By 1992 Meles Zenawi (then President) was allowing Sudan's army to cross Ethiopian soil to attack the SPLA at Pochalla...

Power to the provinces

Winning elections has proved easy for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his colleagues...

Displaying 191-200 out of 200 results.