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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 11-20 out of 200 results.

Seeds of instruction

Fanfare greeted the appointment of the former political prisoner Birtukan Mideksa a nemesis of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi as the head of Ethiopia's electoral board in November but donors are less enamoured of its achievements since...

Fighting fear with freedom

After the EPRDF almost lost power in 2005 its late leader Meles Zenawi hugely expanded the number of village and district council seats knowing that the ruling Front was the only organisation capable of contesting the three million-plus positions...

Push-ups and makeovers

The EPRDF had been held together primarily around Marxist-Leninist-tinged doctrines promoted by the late Meles Zenawi and his inner circles: democratic centralism ethnic federalism revolutionary democracy and latterly the so-called Democratic Developmental State...

Deep waters

Captains of industryMetEC was created in 2010 by the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi from a collection of Defence Ministry companies as a vehicle for Ethiopia's industrial advancement...

Abiy dials down Pax Ethiopia

It was a different atmosphere to that which greeted his predecessor Meles Zenawi 11 years ago just six months after his army launched a Western-backed offensive to depose the Islamic Courts Union the Islamist confederation that had taken over most of southern Somalia...

A flood of rumours

The GERD – brainchild of Ethiopia's former leader Meles Zenawi – has wide public support even among those who don't support the government...

All things to all factions

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been boosting his reputation as a crowd-pleaser with government actions which have delighted a Saudi tycoon youthful demonstrators opposition leaders jailed executives and even the widow of his predecessor Meles Zenawi...

Abiy tests the military

Abadula was Defence Minister under the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi from 2005 before his stint as Oromia's President and is seen as influential popular and corrupt (AC Vol 51 No 18 The new guard steps up)...

Rifts in the regions

A possibly misleading sign of further instability came this week with the resignation of Bereket Simon a former confidant of Meles Zenawi from his role as a prime ministerial policy advisor...

Crisis over, crisis goes on

Previous EPRDF anti-corruption measures had been more overtly political in nature such as when former premier Meles Zenawi engineered the prosecution on graft charges of Defence Minister Seeye Abraha (AC Vol 44 No 15 Boundary boobytraps)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 200 results.