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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 151-160 out of 200 results.

Conflicting agendas

In Ethiopia Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's new programme whose key word is 'renewal' should bring significantly less central control with greater local autonomy right down to district level...

The focus shifts

Accusations in Ethiopia's opposition press of Eritrean incursions across the TSZ are being invented to embarrass Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi and revive controversy about the handling of the war...

Moving target

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government sees the 'government' in Mogadishu as largely Islamist and wants to get rid of it; Addis Ababa also accuses Puntland of Islamist activity...

Lost hope

The murder hits Prime Minister Meles Zenawi personally and politically...

Storm after the storm

The TPLF pulls the strings and provides the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (AC Vol 42 Nos 4 & 6)...

Meles the winner

It's been a tough few weeks for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi...

Gim-Gema in Ethiopia

When it is complete Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is expected to score an overwhelming victory in May's elections and then to reorganise the government...

Peace at last

Of the two leaders Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi looks the more secure not least because of the divisions in the Ethiopian opposition and the weight of a much larger economy...

Displaying 151-160 out of 200 results.