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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 131-140 out of 200 results.

Diverted flight

Two weeks after his election he made his first trip - not to Mogadishu but to Addis Ababa where he called for 20 000 peacekeepers to protect his government: the government of Premier Meles Zenawi was enthusiastic...

Post-election massacre

This sounds like a warning to the Amhara; it is Premier Meles Zenawi's government which has organised the state on 'nationality' lines...

Watergate, the sequel

Another of Blair's Africa Commissioners Prime Mininister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia was under growing pressure after police shot dead at least 22 people in Addis Ababa on 8 June amid mass protests accusing Meles' party of fraud in last month's national elections (AC Vol 46 No 11)...

The big upset

Out of touch with the electorate Publicly Prime Minister Meles Zenawi welcomed democracy in action the society and culture for which his movement had fought since 1991...

The Africa Commission: people and money

The Africa Commission comprises 17 Commissioners: Prime Minister Tony Blair; Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown; International Development Minister Hilary Benn; South Africa's Finance Minister Trevor Manuel; Tanzania's President Benjamin Mkapa; Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi; Former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund France's Michel Camdessus; Vice-Chairman of China's Foreign Affairs Committee Ji Peiding; Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa Kingsley Y...

Diplomatic hubbub

In November Prime Minister Meles Zenawi accepted the April 2002 decisions of the Border Commission but wanted talks on the Boundary Commission decision...

Gullible's travels

Commissioners (including Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi South African Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa) will discuss as one Downing Street official put it 'Why Africa hasn't moved forward as fast as other parts of the world'...

Sins of omission

Significantly Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is to be invited to join but not South African President Thabo Mbeki whose rift with Blair at the Commonwealth Summit in Nigeria over Zimbabwe policy looks terminal...

Compassion fatigue

In an anniversary film this month Buerk concluded things had not improved ­ and upset even those Ethiopians who don't like Premier Meles Zenawi's government...

Peace from above

In Ethiopia Premier Meles Zenawi also needs to turn Algiers into a political success before the 2005 elections when he plans to have transformed the ruling four-party Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front into a single party...

Displaying 131-140 out of 200 results.