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Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh

Date of Birth: 25/05/1965
Place of Birth: Kanilai, Gambia

Displaying 31-40 out of 102 results.

Recognition mission

Lucia Nicaragua and Guatemala he flew to Gambia for President Yahya Jammeh’s 19 January inauguration...

Fatou Bensouda

Putschist President Yahya Jammeh appointed her Attorney General and Justice Minister in 1998...

Palace plotters

(Kamara is Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s brother-in-law...

‘No monster’ Jammeh heads for victory

Putschist President Yahya Jammeh will win re-election for the third time on 24 November at the head of his Alliance for Patriotic Reconciliation and Construction (APRC)...

Iranian guns and a king in Banjul

Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh who has run a corrupt and brutal regime for the past 16 years had been a useful if minor ally for Tehran in West Africa...

Coups and cocaine

The enforced celebration of 'Freedom Day' on 22 July the 16th anniversary of President Yahya Jammeh's coup prompted protests by exiles and human rights groups who say the regime is increasingly repressive and that Banjul has become a regional centre for organised crime...

The international Islamist

Pass the preacher President Yahya Jammeh's Gambia where growing Islamism is not officially discouraged then accepted Al Faisal...

Opening time at Osu Castle

So does his failure to win an apology from Gambia’s erratic Yahya Jammeh after the murder of 40 Ghanaians near Banjul (AC Vol 50 No 15)...

Wang Jin-pyng

He has dispatched Wang Jin-pyng Speaker of Taiwan's legislature to Gambia's Revolution Day celebrations which commemorate the 22 July 1994 coup that brought Yahya Jammeh to power and eventually resulted in diplomatic recognition for Taipei...

Progress in Port of Spain

This follows growing unease at authoritarian developments in such countries as Gambia whose President Yahya Jammeh has threatened to kill human rights activists (AC Vol 50 No 22)...

Displaying 31-40 out of 102 results.