Milton Obote (now in exile in Zambia)...
Nearby in the Ruwenzori foothills a small but long-lasting rebellion ended in the early 1980s when its leader surrendered to Uganda' s then President Milton Obote...
The coalition that backed Ssemogerere included the Uganda People' s Congress the party of the twice-deposed President Milton Obote who now lives quietly in Zambia...
Museveni (who began his guerrilla war in 1981 because of vote-rigging by President Milton Obote in the 1980 polls) had campaigned so hard that he emerged several kilogrammes lighter than when the campaign began in March...
Thousands fled into Sudan and Zaïre during President Milton Obote's subsequent rule...
From 1980 to 1985 during the rule of Milton Obote's Uganda People's Congress (UPC) until its overthrow by the army he was leader of both his party and the opposition...