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Apollo Milton Obote

Date of Birth: 28/12/1925
Place of Birth: Akokoro village, Apac district, northern Uganda
Died: 10/10/2005

Displaying 11-20 out of 46 results.

USA joins fight against LRA

Kony founded the LRA in 1987 barely two years after Museveni had taken power from the military junta which had overthrown President Apollo Milton Obote...

Otunnu objects

The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) President once Foreign Minister under President Milton Obote and United Nations diplomat told Africa Confidential he was ‘dismayed’ that other parties were backtracking on a commitment to compete only in a free and fair poll...

The Museveni machine grinds into gear

UPC President Olara Otunnu is another northerner who was foreign minister under the late President Milton Obote and then a United Nations diplomat...

The opposition on parade

He styles himself as a human-rights defender in the north but the UPC’s legacy remains abysmal and government officials accuse Otunnu of presiding over atrocities when he was Milton Obote’s foreign minister...

The north makes its stand

He ended the 50-year grip of the late President Milton Obote’s family on the Uganda People’s Congress by defeating Obote’s son MP Jimmy Akena Obote in the race to replace Obote’s widow Miria Kalule Obote as party leader...

A King takes on the President

National elections can be won only with strong support either from Buganda in the south-west or from the Acholi and Langi people of the north and east who tend to support the Uganda People's Congress and Museveni's ageing and exiled rival ex-President (twice) Milton Obote...

Haunting Museveni

Museveni claimed that Otunnu had participated in killings in the Luwero triangle; he was Uganda's Ambassador to the UN while Museveni was leading a guerrilla insurgency against President Milton Obote's United People's Congress regime in Kampala...

Opening broadside

Catholicism is widespread in Acholiland and the neglect of Catholic areas since the downfall of President Apollo Milton Obote underlies Acholi grievances...

Alit served in Milton Obote's army and made little contribution to previous talks beyond complaining of 20 years of Museveni's 'duplicity'...

Museveni wins, at a price

Northerners have resented Museveni since he pushed out their sons-of-the-soil Idi Amin Dada and Apollo Milton Obote...

Displaying 11-20 out of 46 results.