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Issayas Afewerki

Date of Birth: 2/2/1946
Place of Birth: Asmara, Eritrea

Displaying 51-60 out of 175 results.

Risks on all fronts

President Issayas Afewerki sent Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed to Khartoum on 14-15 November to underline the need to keep the border closed...

Fears mount of all-out civil war

Either move would engage Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki the TPLF's arch enemy...

President Issayas Afewerki may live to regret his role in urging Abiy to remove the TPLF...

Refugees in crossfire

The reclassification of the refugees does not suit TPLF leaders who maintain their traditional hostility to President Issayas Afewerki...

Regime reality check

That is especially the case since President Issayas Afewerki of Eritrea – Abiy's peace partner though not a fellow Nobel recipient – is particularly keen to see the demise of his Tigrayan arch-enemies whom he blames for Eritrea's isolation...

Asmara and Amhara

Attention is focusing once more on last November's meeting of Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed one month after retired Brigadier-General Asaminew Tsige the leader of last month's alleged coup attempt was appointed head of Amhara's regional security...

Farmajo's big push

Eritrea's President Issayas Afewerki is believed to be acting on behalf of Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahayan (aka MBZ) the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates and key ally of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (aka MBS)...

Chill on the border

The idea that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the autocratic President Issayas Afewerki have formed a strong bond allowing the two nations to agree terms is wearing thin...

Mountains to climb

The same can be said for Ethiopia's northerly dispute which saw Abiy President Issayas Afewerki of Eritrea Debretsion and Amhara president Gedu Andargachew pose together on 7 January at the opening of an Ethiopia-Eritrea border crossing...

Fighting fear with freedom

It faces a challenge from the opposition Arena party but the TPLF's problems seem likely to be more broadly external including resistance from Eritrea's unshackled dictator Issayas Afewerki whose historic animus against Tigray has not been diminished by the rapprochement with Addis...

Rounding up the suspects

The TPLF-run regional government is already under pressure after border disputes flared with Amhara and the mood soured further as Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki the TPLF's sworn enemy went on a tour of that state with Abiy...

Displaying 51-60 out of 175 results.